R&D lies in our company slogan “Protection through innovation”. It is our company DNA. Innovation keeps us ahead of the market. Along with creativity, know-how and quality, it is central to Sioen’s corporate culture.
The R&D department is the beating heart of Sioen Apparel. Their excellent product knowledge and unrestrained creativity, obtained through the exhaustive handling and testing of our products, allows them to develop revolutionary, new products or improved solutions. It is our company’s main goal to constantly innovate the market in order to stay ahead of the competition. Every day we live up to our company slogan “protection through innovation”.
Our in-house R&D department is the driving force behind the development of new materials, methods, processes and applications. Their knowledge, state of the art testing equipment and thorough expertise in the field of norms and standards make them so performant.
For our customers that means:
Innovation starts with our desire to provide our customers with the best product, to discover new things, to be ahead of our competitors.
Technical expertise and 360° know how is crucial. The multilingual Sioen staff is known for its hands-on mentality. We always strive for a customised solution.
Our multi-disciplinary R&D team collaborates as active partner in several European projects. They give us new insights and funding for further growth.
Innovation is much more than updated products. Sioen has a concerted focus on knowledge, innovation and creativity: on new materials, new production processes, new services, new niches, new markets and new requirements.
At Sioen, everyone is supposed to contribute to innovation. Every worker and employee is a valuable element in our growth. Our hunger for more and better is large and is present at every level. In our company, we have an open-door policy without much hierarchical stages. We communicate directly and to the point. All this leads to quick decisions and solutions, and a nose for opportunities.
In each of the production facilities we have specialists working on their particular fields, with thorough mastery of their particular discipline. In this way we have researchers and developers at all levels of our vertical integration, with a group of inter-disciplinary staff in the Central R&D center ensuring that all specialists work together and accelerating the development process. From yarn, over weaving and the production of technical textiles, to production of our garments, in every step of the way we have specialist researchers & developers working on your best product. The structure of our R&D department is like a spider’s web: centrally managed and fully interconnected. Thus giving unrivaled advantages for our customers.